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TRICO needs to be there....

I sure would love to see "Beyond good & Evil 2", and Jax 4....But will not be holding my breath,as these games may not be announced at a Japanese game show...

An all new IP,an action adventure platformer would be nice too...

5837d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I pretty much agree with you....

Another thing I would like to add is that when playing the game it would be great to be able to fight,platform and solve puzzles at once,or at least combinations of these....

The fight here section,then the solve a puzzle section here,and then the platforming section here did not work for me. They were great on their own of course,but I think combos of them would be beter...

Better to have vast puzzles (many parts) ...

5838d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I believe their will be something that will come out that will trump Gears 2 visuals. Thats always been the case,at or near the end of a consoles life a game comes up that gives the console it's last hooray...

Lots of people don't like the idea of another system in 2010 because they don't want to fork out more cash too soon,as for me.....I would be more than willing. I am ready for whats next right now.I for one sure hope we get another Xbox whatever in 2010,and then another PS...

5839d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well said,and bubbles to you....

5839d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I believe this is the game the BBC reporter loved a few months back....

I hope it's something quirky,a platformer with action adventure....An all new IP.

Along with it, it sure would be extra special to see something of Jax 4,Beyond good and evil 2 along with TRICO of course...

Now that's probably too much to ask for,but a guy can dream...

5840d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Perhaps they have seen screens,videos,played it at a trade show,and maybe even played the beta... Go figure!

5840d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

For me it would have to be....





Donkey Kong series




Conker (bad fur day)

The new Prince of Persia game could get on this list soon...

5840d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yes I know,I agree.....But what I really meant was a Ico type game,action adventure,with platforming,puzzle solving,and then throughout the game boss fights like the ones we got in some fashion in SOTC...

A new World,new characters,but gameplay wise is what I meant,but done with the extra power they have today,an advanced gameplay mechanic,but with alot of what was done in ICO &SOTC,I think that basic formula should not be totally overlooked,just expanded on.......At least...

5841d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Is this the game the BBC reporter was talking about a few Months back?

I know it's not Mag that the BBC reporter talked of,this was already reported on on various sites.

I hope it's an all new IP.

Tears of blood is a fighter,I hope it's something more quirky,a platformer perhaps?

Jax 4 would also be most welcome....

Uncharted 2 and Team Ico's next game have already been announced in round and about ways,so I do hope t...

5841d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

A well deserved award....

For me a perfect next team ICO game would be a mix of both Ico and SOTC....Where you play as you did in ICO,but would get "boss battles" throughout the game,as we did in SOTC....

The best of both Worlds,a nice mix of both classics....

5841d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Squad based 3rd person action adventure/platformer? A mix of Gears/Graw and Jax and Daxter?

With a stylish, quirky, & creative premise?


Oh well a guy can dream...

5843d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Double sigh from me....

Dark Cloud 3 is all I looked for in this article,and it's no where in sight....

5844d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Perhaps not sooooo quick?

You should take into account that this was done by a team in 24 hours....4 guys times 24 = 96 hours...

For one guy creating a level like this it may take a Month of 3+ hour create sessions...

This game shocked me the first time I saw it at the GDC...And just gets better all the time...

5844d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Give me a Bungie platformer.....And a Rare game like Conker or jet force Gemeni 2 please...

5851d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I hope Dark Cloud 3 is announced...That game has always had this "needs to be on a next gen system feel" to it....

Then at TGS show me Trico and BG&E 2 and a surprise showing of Jax 4 and I will be awfully pleased....Hey,a guy can dream can't he?

5851d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I think we have enough shooters. Rare is a company that can give us games like Banjo and "Conker" or how about JFG 2?

5853d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That would be nice,but..........I'll believe it when I see it,only then.

Halo 4 will come in due time.I want to see an all new IP from Bungie to go with it. A Mario,Ratchet,Jak type act/adv/platformer...? Ok,a guy can dream can't he?

An all new Conker game from rare would be ideal. If not Conker then a new Jet Force Gemini 2...?

5853d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I have worked in the industry on games and movies creating high end cinematic assets for 20 years now, and I was thinking/hoping of creating for the LBP movie. I was going to send in my reel/portfolio. And then this.........

I cringe at the thought of letting this "anti" talent touch something as sacred as LBP. He is the exact opposite,the last person I can imagine touching the wonderful LBP World.

I hope this is false,It must be,it just must be false! ...

5857d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't care if it's on the PS3 or the X360. I just want to see it in HD with as much power behind it as possible. The game series has loads of "eye candy" potential.Plus gameplay will be steps ahead in AI and phyiscs,effects with either 360 or PS3....

I quess the devs will have had to consider all the extra revenue potential if the game were to come out for both systems...

I like the concept of the series,the contrast is quite original...

5863d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Actually it's in the 2nd week of October...5 weeks away....

Now bring me this in full HD glory with the PS3's power to push it and I will be quite the happy gamer...

Oh....And some Trico and Beyond good and evil 2 info would be the icing and cherry on top of the pie for me.....

5863d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment